5 Best News Apps for Android

Before smartphones came to existence, we all used to be dependent upon newspapers and tv for getting news about the latest happening in the world. But not anymore. In today’s world, we can access the latest news and the latest happenings around the world by simply using our mobile devices and a news app. Keeping this in mind today, we are going to share with you five best news apps that are available in the market that you can use on your mobile devices to get easy and quick access to the latest news around the world. Let’s learn about them.

Google News

Google News app by Google is a smart news app that organizes what’s happening all over the world and helps you stay up to date on the things that you care about. The app has a very user-friendly interface and is very easy to use. Using the apps “Headline” tab, you can get quick access to top headlines and news articles from all over the world. Similarly, by using the “For You” tab, you get quick access to the news about topics that you care about. You can also access your favorite news and magazines using the “Newsstand “tab in the app. Overall it is very helpful and an easy to use app.

AP News

AP News app is another famous news app with more than 1 million downloads on the Google play store. The app sources its news from the Associated Press and hundreds of trusted local sources. The app has a very clean and user-friendly interface. Using the app, you can find news on different topics like sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, business, and more. The only downside of the app is that it contains many ads, which can sometimes be very annoying.

Microsoft News

Microsoft News is another famous news app that delivers trusted news from the world’s best journalists. By using the app, you can discover the latest news from all over the world. When you open the app for the very first time, it will ask you to select your favorite news topics. Once you select your favorite topics, the app will show you the latest news about your favorite topics under the “My News” tab. The app is very clean and user friendly. Additionally, the app supports sync and has a built-in dark mode that can be very helpful for night-time reading.

Feedly- Smarter News Reader

Feedly is another famous news app with more than 5 million downloads on the Google play store. The app is an RSS reader that allows its users to organize, read, and share content very easily. Using the app, you can read blogs, learn new things, and track companies and brands. Using the app, you can discover the latest news about your favorite topics like politics, entertainment, sports, etc. Additionally, the app has a very clean interface, which gives its users a great reading experience. The app also has a night mode for night-time reading and can be integrated with apps like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

BBC News

BBC is the world’s most trusted and respected news organization. The official BBC News app brings you the latest news from the BBC and its global network of journalists. The app has a very clean user interface and allows its users to personalize their news feed according to areas of their interests. You can also live stream the BBC World Service Radio through the app. Additionally, the app can also be used to download and share your favorite stories with your friends by mail or any social network.

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