Most Important GoPro Tips for Beginners

Videography is the new post-literate journal. We’re headed into a world where everything will be captured and scrutinized from every possible angle (speaking metaphorically or not!). Today, the very purpose of experience is the record of it.

GoPro offers the perfect solution to this modern itch and makes “compact capability” a reality. It has conquered the market and is now amongst the industry’s most recognized brands.

To a novice, the task of using a new gadget may seem rather daunting but we’re here to help!

These tips will get you up and going in no time.

  1. Utilize and Maximize its Versatility!

Most people go for the “typical shot” but I advise you guys to do the opposite. The GoPros are extremely resilient. They are shockproof, waterproof, and dustproof. You just put it on the mount and it’s ready to go literally anywhere with you. The size of the camera makes it possible to fit it into places where the normal camera won’t go. This versatility of the camera should be used to most of its ability in order to get that perfect picture.

It’s a GoPro for God’s Sake! Use it like one.

2)Choose Your Accessories According to Your Needs

GoPro’s are action cameras i.e. they are designed to capture your adventures. But in order for you to get that perfect shot, you should possess the accessories required to facilitate the process. It is important to understand which activities you shoot the most, which camera angles you’d be using? or where could you attach your GoPro?

Evaluation of these questions will help you narrow down the accessories you need.

3)Don’t Forget to Make Use of the ProTune Feature

Each GoPro model offers advanced ProTune controls for Colour, ISO Limit, Sharpness, and Exposure. These newer ProTune settings provide a greater degree of control compared to the previous ProTune implementation.

4)Never Miss a Great Shot with the Official GoPro App

With the official app, you can offload your film footage and start editing right away. The app empowers the user with a great deal of add on features. You can capture and film from hard to reach places by using your phone to control the GoPro. Frame the perfect shot with live preview and get full access to the remote control of camera functions. Other features include simple yet powerful edits, easy remote offloading of footage, remote sharing, etc.

5) Plan Your Shot Like You Plan Your Future

If planning for the future can help realize gains, so can planning for your shots. This is the first step to improving your videos. Picturing the shot in your head is also a part of planning. Instead of hurrying up with it, take some time to observe the area around you. You may discover new ways to tell your story by spotting new camera angles or lighting combos that could be used to your advantage. 

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