After such a long time, Genshin Impact developers have finally launched the character Zhongli in the game. Zhongli has its own identity and possesses some unique Elemental Skills and Burst attacks. Players who are lucky enough can obtain it because it’s a five-star character with the best stat value.
Zhongli is a polearm user and has a lot of potential in his hands. His DPS value is so high that it helps him to put extreme damage on his foes. Despite having amazing stats, his build is pretty simple. Unlike any other five star characters, building this character is pretty straightforward. Even with the simple build, its stats value increases pretty high. This helps him to deal additional damage and makes him more efficient.
The major focus players should focus on his Elemental Burst ability that launches a meteor on the earth. This attack doesn’t just petrify its enemies but also puts 30,000 damage. So simply, players should work on its DPS value.

Physical DPS Build
The weapon choice for Zhongli is pretty simple. Whereas the characters like Diluc require 5-star weapons to enhance their potential, Zhongli only needs a 4-star Polearm weapon. His 4-star weapon can be crafted at Blacksmith. After using the Elemental Orb, he deals 20% additional attack damage.
To get the best view of his DPS value, players should use Gladiator’s Finale with Bloodstained Chivalry. After using these skills, he will deal massive damage. Players will face difficulty only at farming two Artifacts sets.
Elemental Burst Build
Artifacts need to be upgraded, and players should maximize it to deal maximum damage from Elemental Burst. To put 15% additional Geo Damage, players must have an Archaic Petra set of either two or four pieces. Linking this Artifact set with Noblesse Oblige Artifact set will overpower Zhongli.
With the following build, players can use several types of weapons. The first one is Primordial Jade because after acquiring it, its attack percentage and critical ratio increases. However, if anyone uses Skyward Spine, they will require a five-star polearm weapon to increase the stats.
Zhongli is a powerful but unique five-star character. This special character possesses some beneficial abilities at a very low cost, which no other five-star character provides. The developers of Genshin Impact took time to launch Zhongli, but fans are still excited to unlock it. Its Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst attacks are unique and turn overpowered after using the right weapons with the right artifact sets.