Tomura Shigaraki’s rise as the leader of the villains has been remarkable. He has done an impressive job so far, and it appears that All for One has chosen the right successor for himself. The League of Villains is like a big family, and they stick with each other no matter what. It has been one of the biggest reasons for Shigaraki’s rise and his growing domination. In the latest chapter of the manga, the League of Villains pays a big sacrifice to escape from the heroes. It also led to a surprising revelation about the relationship of All of One and Shigaraki.

Mr. Compress disemboweled half of his body to allow his companions to escape from the heroes. But Lemillion is not someone who backs down easily. He tried to cut off their escape, but interestingly All for One showed up to stop him. While Shigaraki was unconscious, All for One took control of his actions through their unison. Spinner tried his best to wake Shigaraki up but to no avail. The villains desperately needed Shigaraki to control Nomu to escape. When All for One took control of Shigaraki’s body, he took control of Nomu using radio waves. He then sent a decay wave, but Spinner was quick to point out that most of their companions are still under the rubble.
All for One cared little for the members of The League of Villains. He seemed to have been disappointed by the failed mission of the villains. He had high expectations from Shigaraki, but this time his patience ran out, and he left a decay wave hoping to kill some of the League of Villain members to punish their leader.
All for One is using Shigaraki as a vessel for his plans. Deku, too, realizes this while fighting Shigaraki when he sees him struggling to be in control. It is evident that All for One is taking over his consciousness while Shigaraki tries his best to use his willpower to stay in control. Deku understands that Shigaraki is just a pawn for All for One.
All for One gives Shigaraki unbelievable powers, but it does come at a high price. He has to struggle to be in control consistently, and it appears that it has started affecting him. The struggle between the two supervillains will ultimately benefit Shigaraki since One for All wants to perfect him for war before he fights the heroes. But he will have to endure One for All’s harsh punishments and tough training before he becomes good enough to challenge others. At this point, Shigaraki should just let All for One control him for now. They have the same goal, and All for One only wants Shigaraki to achieve what both of them want as soon as possible. So, ultimately Shigaraki is going to be benefited from their relationship. However, he will have to take control if he aspires to become the true villain at some point. But until then, he will only be benefited from his relationship with All for One.