Balenciaga unveiled a new advertisement for the season, starring Bella Hadid, as part of its ongoing efforts to promote the autumn collection. A new Crush Bag was to be unveiled for the brand's devotees, and the well-known beauty was given this vital task. Additionally, deciding to support the visual direction of the creative director Demna are Lina Zhang, Aya Nakamura, Inti Wang, Abdou Diop, and Zuo Chen. The performers were decked out in distorted or deconstructed clothing, as well as jewelry and undergarments by Balenciaga, for the screening. The Crush Bag, displayed at Balenciaga's Winter 2022 show, has a special foldable and expanding construction that plays up the appearance of a classic bag. It is constructed of flexible leather in a smooth, shiny, and diagonally quilted design and specifically mimics the characteristic shape of the Balenciaga Hourglass with curved and pointed edges. The bag has one leather strap for wearing and is linked to a chain in either silver or gold. Select from dazzling silver, bright green, sweet pink, shimmering white, and black. Demna succeeded in winning over the most fearless fashionistas of our time once more. And we can only be in awe of his limitless creativity and ingenuity. The Crush Bag, which was unveiled during Balenciaga's Winter 2022 runway show, has a distinctive collapsible and expanded form that plays on the appearance of the traditional handbag. With supple leather construction in smooth, shiny, diagonally quilted, and croc-embossed versions, this bag prominently recreates the famous Balenciaga Hourglass shape with curved and pointed edges. Additionally, the Crush Bag comes with a single leather strap for carrying or a chain that can be changed between silver and gold. The Balenciaga Crush Bag is now offered in small, medium, and large sizes and comes in black, optic white, sweet pink, vivid green, and metallic silver.
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